
default(value, [strict=false], [ctx])


Set the return value of validate and validateSilent, when the detected value is undefined | null | NaN.

If strict mode is turned on(strict=true), set the return value when the detected value is undefined | null | NaN | '' | {} | [].


  • value (*) The default return value of validate and validateSilent. When value is a function, then set the return value of value to be the default return value. The function has a parameter: the original detected value - undefined, null NaN, ''', {} or [].

  • [strict] (boolean) - Whether turn on strict mode, default is false, means no-strict mode. You can exactly set strict to true to turn on strict mode.

  • [ctx] (*) The execution context if value is a function.


const schema1 = racoon.any().default(1);
schema1.validate(undefined); // pass, return: 1
schema1.validate(null); // pass, return: 1
schema1.validate(NaN); // pass, return: 1

const schema2 = racoon.any().default(1, true);
schema2.validate(undefined); // pass, return: 1
schema2.validate(null); // pass, return: 1
schema2.validate(NaN); // pass, return: 1
schema2.validate(''); // pass, return: 1
schema2.validate({}); // pass, return: 1
schema2.validate([]); // pass, return: 1

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