
custom(callback, [ctx])


Declare a custom restrict by a custom callback function.


  • callback (Function) - The custom function for restricting. callback has an argument: the detected value. If validate failed, the callback should throw an error, otherwise, it means validation passed.

  • [ctx] (*) - The execution context of callback.


Since 1.3.0, callback can return a non-empty string to respect that validating failed, the string means the failure reason. Otherwise, it means validating passed if you return other values.


const schema = racoon.object().custom((val) => {
  if (Object.keys(val) === 1) {
    return true;
  throw new Error('The detected object must have only one key');
schema.validate({ a: 1 }); // pass
schema.validate({ a: 1, b: 2 }); // fail

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